7A Posthuset, Vasagatan 28
See all vacant offices at the serviced office 7A Posthuset, Vasagatan 28.
Size of the center
Meeting rooms
Dog allowed
Available offices
Private offices and suites that are available within 6 months at 7A Posthuset, Vasagatan 28. We recommend 3-5m² private office space per person. For more availabilities at 7A Posthuset, Vasagatan 28, please get in touch and we will provide you with a tailored offer.
Lounge access
Memberships which are offered at 7A Posthuset, Vasagatan 28. All memberships are sold per month. To be rented either independently or in combination with office rooms as extra membership in when in need of extra capacity.
Fast plats
A permanent place at the 7A Post Office
Business Lounge
This membership gives you access to the lounge areas of 7A.
About 7A Posthuset, Vasagatan 28, City
7A Posthuset on Vasagatan 28 - perhaps Stockholm's coolest coworking and office hotel? A stone's throw from Stockholm Central Station across Vasagatan takes you to Vasagatan 28 and Posthuset's fantastic premises. Here are 17,000 square meters of coworking and office hotel, in fantastic environments in a historic building - Centralposthuset, more commonly known as Posthuset today. The building was inaugurated under grandiose forms already in 1903 and is considered one of the masterpieces of Swedish architecture. The property has undergone several rounds of renovations inside to meet today's requirements for offices and aesthetics, where they have chosen to keep selected parts of the old Centralposthuset - such as the beautiful Bobergshallen that you meet when you enter the office hotel from the entrance on Vasagatan. In addition to having created a masterpiece in terms of design, 7A is a very appreciated office hotel operator that always does the little extra to make you as a tenant feel comfortable and have an easier everyday life, and a better office. There are offices and office spaces for all types of companies and tenants. What stands out somewhat is the possibility of renting larger offices and being able to customize them yourself. Posthuset is home to companies and organizations such as RFSL, Svensk fastighetsförmedling and Znipe Esports. The property is also VAT-exempt, which means that VAT-exempt companies can rent offices here without VAT being added as an extra cost. A warm welcome to a must-see among Stockholm's office hotels!
About 7A
Are you looking for a stylish office at one of Stockholm's best addresses? 7A is an incredibly popular office hotel operator with office hotels on Strandvägen and in the cool Posthuset on Vasagatan. Regardless of which of their office hotels suits you best, we are convinced that you will thrive with 7A as a landlord. 7A office hotels may look different but have the same high level of service with you as a tenant in focus. 7A's business started on Strandvägen, number 7A, where the name comes from. Today, 7A is one of the largest office hotel operators in Stockholm where they manage more than 23500 square meters of coworking and office hotels at several central addresses - perhaps the most famous today is the Post Office at Vasagatan 28, just across Vasagatan from Stockholm Central Station. 7A office hotel and coworking offers small office rooms, individual workplaces and lounge solutions. For the larger company that wants its own premises with full service, they also have larger private office spaces with the possibility of their own entrance and customized floor plan. Their representative environments combined with conference rooms invite successful customer meetings. With a focus on flexibility and personalized service, they strive for you to thrive and grow. 7A is a very popular player with its eye-catching office hotels at good addresses. Companies such as RFSL and Greenstep rent offices here today. At 7A you will find the best location for offices and conferences. 7A has an extensive conference business where they collaborate with Svenska möten. This is reflected in their office hotel by virtually all housing larger meeting and conference rooms that are partly rented out externally, but which can also be rented as a tenant in the office hotel. Welcome to 7A office hotel!
Read moreReviews
”Vi trivs superbra på Posthuset! En trevlig miljö där det erbjuds enskildhet precis som puls, helt efter eget tycke. 7A är verkligen kundorienterade och lyhörda för sina kunders behov oavsett om man är det stora eller lilla bolaget. Kan varmt rekommenderas.”
Henrik Andreasson,
CCO Bumbee Labs
”Vi har de senaste åren haft vårt årliga möte med ca. 200 delegater på Posthuset 7A. Lokalerna är mycket vackra, ändamålsenliga och ligger på ett av Stockholms mest centrala lägen. Jag upplever att all personal är professionell, kreativ och hjälpsam - från start till mål där ingenting är omöjligt och allting går att ordna smidigt! Det är en glädje att samarbeta med alla på Posthuset 7A och kan varmt rekommenderas för ert nästa möte!”
Anne Wetter,
Verksamhetschef Diagnostiskt Centrum Hud
”7a levererar enastående service; deras snabba och professionella bemötande, trevliga och tillmötesgående attityd både före och under genomförandet, samt förmåga att på plats smidigt hantera oväntade förändringar (som inte är helt ovanliga inslag under ett event) skapar en perfekt plattform för lyckade konferenser och tillställningar. De imponerar också med sina vackra och ljusa lokaler i olika storlekar, beläget mitt i city!”
Louise Wicklander,
Kreativ administratör som jobbar med nätverk Dagens industri
”Fantastiskt smidigt och välskött, vilken service!”
Mikaela Hegg,
CFO LegalWorks Nordic AB