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974 available offices for rent in coworking spaces in Göteborg

Find and compare 43 coworking spaces from 21 different coworking operators in Göteborg, or let our team of coworking experts do the job for you free of charge. In Göteborg It costs from 1,500 kr/person/month for a private office in a coworking space, with contract terms from 1-3 months which include all service and peripheral equipment. Regardless of size, you can explore coworking memberships for individual employees, private offices for medium -sized teams, or tailor a custom office space for 20 workplaces or more.

Sweden's largest marketplace for coworking

Our marketplace for coworking spaces makes it easy to compare flexible offices within coworking, by making each office searchable. How much does the corner office for 4 people cost? What kind of solutions are available right now for 40 people? Get a full office proposal with price, terms and floor plans instantly and book tours easily. Our supply is updated in real time through direct contact with the coworking operators.

Coworking in Göteborg

The market for coworking spaces in in Göteborg is growing rapidly, today there is more than 81 877sqm of coworking space in the city. In in Göteborg the average rent per month for a private room in a coworking space is kr/person.There are coworking spaces of all sizes in in Göteborg but the average coworking space is 1 904sqm. Are you a larger team? Filter for office type: office to see all available private rooms and tailored suites that are available at coworking spaces in in Göteborg today.

Convendum Stampgatan 14

Convendum - logo

Stampgatan 14, Stampen, Göteborg

Central location
Bra service

59 available offices right now

Paid placement
kontorshotell i Göteborg - Convendum Stampgatan 14

59 available Office right now

kontorshotell i Göteborg - Convendum Stampgatan 14kontorshotell i Göteborg - Convendum Stampgatan 14

Office space from 3 600 SEK/person/month

Lounge access from 5 495 SEK/person/month

Convendum's new representative office hotel at Stampgatan 14 in Gothenburg. There are 4500 square meters of office and conference space, private offices, meeting rooms, coworking spaces and relaxing lounge areas. Located in the charming and scenic Stampen area, close to Gothenburg Central Station.


Dockside Office & Coworking

Dockside Office & Coworking - logo

Regnbågsgatan 8B, Lindholmen, Göteborg

Central location

24 available offices right now

Paid placement
kontorshotell i Göteborg - Dockside Office & Coworking

24 available Office right now

kontorshotell i Göteborg - Dockside Office & Coworkingkontorshotell i Göteborg - Dockside Office & Coworking

Office space from 2 800 SEK/person/month

Lounge access from 2 750 SEK/person/month

Explore a dynamic coworking experience at Dockside Office & Coworking in Gothenburg. Discover flexible work spaces, modern meeting rooms and convenient commuting options. Enjoy a productive work environment and the benefits of a centrally located office.


Kontorshotell Kyrkogatan

Saxborn Fastigheter - logo

Kyrkogatan 30, Inom Vallgraven, Göteborg

Charming building

10 available offices right now

Paid placement
kontorshotell i Göteborg - Kontorshotell Kyrkogatan

10 available Office right now

kontorshotell i Göteborg - Kontorshotell Kyrkogatankontorshotell i Göteborg - Kontorshotell Kyrkogatan

Office space from 4 000 SEK/person/month

Lounge access from 0 SEK/person/month

The office hotel on Kyrkogatan in central Gothenburg spans three floors in a charming 19th-century building. It offers offices, meeting rooms, and a kitchen, as well as a glass-enclosed courtyard that is ideal for client meetings or lunches.


United Spaces Lindholmen

United Spaces - logo

Pumpgatan 1, Lindholmen, Göteborg

Solutions for large teams
Modern interior

30 available offices right now

Paid placement
kontorshotell i Göteborg - United Spaces Lindholmen

30 available Office right now

kontorshotell i Göteborg - United Spaces Lindholmenkontorshotell i Göteborg - United Spaces Lindholmen

Office space from 4 400 SEK/person/month

Lounge access from 3 195 SEK/person/month

United Space's newly built office hotel at Lindholmen brings together innovative companies, just a stone's throw from central Gothenburg. A modern office hotel with many good solutions for larger companies!


Arena Platinan

Arena - logo

Mårten Krakowgatan 2, Stampen, Göteborg

Modern interior

1 available office right now

Paid placement
kontorshotell i Göteborg - Arena Platinan

1 free Office right now

kontorshotell i Göteborg - Arena Platinankontorshotell i Göteborg - Arena Platinan

Office space from 12 600 SEK/person/month

Lounge access from 5 000 SEK/person/month

Arena Platinan is a newly opened office hotel located on the 12th floor of the newly built property Platinan. There are mainly flexible workplaces in an open area, but also a number of office rooms. Access to roof terraces with lovely views and breakfast every day.


Entreprenörsgatan Östra Hamngatan

Entreprenörsgatan - logo

Östra Hamngatan 1, Inom Vallgraven, Göteborg

Historic building
Free meeting rooms

2 available offices right now

Paid placement
kontorshotell i Göteborg - Entreprenörsgatan Östra Hamngatan

2 available Office right now

kontorshotell i Göteborg - Entreprenörsgatan Östra Hamngatankontorshotell i Göteborg - Entreprenörsgatan Östra Hamngatan

Office space from 5 400 SEK/person/month

Lounge access from 2 500 SEK/person/month

The Entreprenörsgatan office hotel on Östra Hamngatan is located in the Hasselbladska huset, and offers office rooms, desks and flex spaces. With details from the Neo-Renaissance style and high ceilings, the facility lets industrial history meet modern times.


Codic Coworking Kronhusbodarna

Codic Coworking - logo

Kronhusgatan 2G, Inom Vallgraven, Göteborg

Central location

4 available offices right now

Paid placement
kontorshotell i Göteborg - Codic Coworking Kronhusbodarna

4 available Office right now

kontorshotell i Göteborg - Codic Coworking Kronhusbodarnakontorshotell i Göteborg - Codic Coworking Kronhusbodarna

Office space from 4 100 SEK/person/month

Lounge access from 3 150 SEK/person/month

Kronhusgatan 2G in Gothenburg offers an inspiring and spacious coworking facility of 570 square meters. With panoramic views of Kronhuset and comfortable workspaces, this is the perfect working environment.


Palmung Mellin Fastigheter Cogito

Palmung Mellin Fastigheter - logo

Hulda Lindgrens gata 8, Högsbo, Göteborg

Bright premises

2 available offices right now

Paid placement
kontorshotell i Göteborg - Palmung Mellin Fastigheter Cogito

2 available Office right now

kontorshotell i Göteborg - Palmung Mellin Fastigheter Cogitokontorshotell i Göteborg - Palmung Mellin Fastigheter Cogito

Office space from 2 100 SEK/person/month

Lounge access from 0 SEK/person/month

Office hotel in the business-dense area of Högsbo, Gothenburg with bright rooms in sizes 10-31 square meters with access to common areas, conference and meeting rooms and lounge. Parking for both car and bicycle is included in the rent.


FirstOffice Åby Arena

FirstOffice - logo

Åby Arenaväg 8A, Mölndal, Mölndal

Free meeting rooms

7 available offices right now

Paid placement
kontorshotell i Mölndal - FirstOffice Åby Arena

7 available Office right now

kontorshotell i Mölndal - FirstOffice Åby Arenakontorshotell i Mölndal - FirstOffice Åby Arena

Office space from 5 500 SEK/person/month

Lounge access from 3 000 SEK/person/month

FirstOffice Åby Arena in Mölndal is a newly built office hotel with modern and bright premises. The office is located at the top of the building on floors 13 and 14 with a fantastic view! There are a total of 46 office rooms in sizes 10-41 sqm, suitable for 1-6 people.


Entreprenörsgatan Södra Larmgatan

Entreprenörsgatan - logo

Södra Larmgatan 2, Inom Vallgraven, Göteborg

Historic building
Free meeting rooms

3 available offices right now

Paid placement
kontorshotell i Göteborg - Entreprenörsgatan Södra Larmgatan

3 available Office right now

kontorshotell i Göteborg - Entreprenörsgatan Södra Larmgatankontorshotell i Göteborg - Entreprenörsgatan Södra Larmgatan

Office space from 3 100 SEK/person/month

Lounge access from 0 SEK/person/month

The Entreprenörsgatan office hotel on Södra Larmgatan offers office rooms, desks and flex spaces in a centuries-old building in the old artillery stables. The 20 or so companies located here today are young and innovative and create a wonderful network.


United Spaces Östra Hamngatan

United Spaces - logo

Östra Hamngatan 16, Inom Vallgraven, Göteborg

Modern interior
Bright premises

82 available offices right now

Paid placement
kontorshotell i Göteborg - United Spaces Östra Hamngatan

82 available Office right now

kontorshotell i Göteborg - United Spaces Östra Hamngatankontorshotell i Göteborg - United Spaces Östra Hamngatan

Office space from 4 000 SEK/person/month

Lounge access from 4 595 SEK/person/month

United Spaces office hotel on Östra Hamngatan in central Gothenburg is a large and modern building with friendly staff and inspiring environments. It offers flexible office solutions for both small and large companies, with access to meeting and conference rooms.


Entreprenörsgatan Kungsgatan

Entreprenörsgatan - logo

Kungsgatan 4, Inom Vallgraven, Göteborg


7 available offices right now

Paid placement
kontorshotell i Göteborg - Entreprenörsgatan Kungsgatan

7 available Office right now

kontorshotell i Göteborg - Entreprenörsgatan Kungsgatankontorshotell i Göteborg - Entreprenörsgatan Kungsgatan

Office space from 2 800 SEK/person/month

Lounge access from 2 500 SEK/person/month

Entreprenörsgatan on Kungsgatan is a creative office hotel in one of Gothenburg's finest properties, which offers office rooms for 2-6 people and flex spaces. The premises have large and modern common areas with a lovely location facing Kungsgatan and Esperantoplatsen.


iOffice Sjöbefälsskolan

iOffice - logo

Kvarnbergsgatan 2, Inom Vallgraven, Göteborg

Central location

88 available offices right now

Paid placement
kontorshotell i Göteborg - iOffice Sjöbefälsskolan

88 available Office right now

kontorshotell i Göteborg - iOffice Sjöbefälsskolankontorshotell i Göteborg - iOffice Sjöbefälsskolan

Office space from 3 300 SEK/person/month

Lounge access from 2 995 SEK/person/month

iOffice Kvarnbergsgatan 2 in Gothenburg gives you the opportunity to work in a charming historic building with outstanding views and modern facilities. Easy commuting and proximity to shopping areas.


FirstOffice Majorna

FirstOffice - logo

Fiskhamnsgatan 2, Majorna, Göteborg

Free meeting rooms

1 available office right now

Paid placement
kontorshotell i Göteborg - FirstOffice Majorna

1 free Office right now

kontorshotell i Göteborg - FirstOffice Majornakontorshotell i Göteborg - FirstOffice Majorna

Office space from 6 000 SEK/person/month

Lounge access from 0 SEK/person/month

FirstOffice office hotel in Majorna is a bright and fresh facility beautifully located next to Göta Älv. There are modernly furnished office rooms in varying sizes and as a tenant you have access to meeting rooms, common areas and a cozy common terrace.


Codic Coworking Brunnsparken

Codic Coworking - logo

Drottninggatan 38, Inom Vallgraven, Göteborg

Central location

5 available offices right now

Paid placement
kontorshotell i Göteborg - Codic Coworking Brunnsparken

5 available Office right now

kontorshotell i Göteborg - Codic Coworking Brunnsparkenkontorshotell i Göteborg - Codic Coworking Brunnsparken

Office space from 4 300 SEK/person/month

Lounge access from 3 150 SEK/person/month

Codic Coworking at Drottninggatan 38, Gothenburg aka Brunsparken offers customizable workspaces with comfortable office furniture, meeting rooms and proximity to food outlets as well as convenient commuting options.


Entreprenörsgatan Hasselbladshuset

Entreprenörsgatan - logo

Sankt Eriksgatan 6, Inom Vallgraven, Göteborg

Historic building

18 available offices right now

Paid placement
kontorshotell i Göteborg - Entreprenörsgatan Hasselbladshuset

18 available Office right now

kontorshotell i Göteborg - Entreprenörsgatan Hasselbladshusetkontorshotell i Göteborg - Entreprenörsgatan Hasselbladshuset

Office space from 3 700 SEK/person/month

Lounge access from 2 500 SEK/person/month

One of Entreprenörsgatan's two office hotels in Hasselbladska huset. A new and modern facility with private offices for both small and large companies. As a tenant, you also have access to their other premises on Kungsgatan and Lindholmspiren. Opening January 2023.


Mindpark Göteborg City

Mindpark - logo

Lilla Bommen 3, Stampen, Göteborg

Central location
Kreativ miljö

88 available offices right now

Paid placement
kontorshotell i Göteborg - Mindpark Göteborg City

88 available Office right now

kontorshotell i Göteborg - Mindpark Göteborg Citykontorshotell i Göteborg - Mindpark Göteborg City

Office space from 4 000 SEK/person/month

Lounge access from 79 SEK/person/month

Welcome to Mindpark, the dynamic coworking space at Lilla Bommen 3 in Gothenburg. Inspiring work environment, meeting rooms, free coffee, dog-friendly and close to shopping centers and commuting opportunities. Contact us today.


Convendum Avenyn

Convendum - logo

Kungsportsavenyen 21, Vasastaden, Göteborg

Attractive location
Bra service

14 available offices right now

Paid placement
kontorshotell i Göteborg - Convendum Avenyn

14 available Office right now

kontorshotell i Göteborg - Convendum Avenynkontorshotell i Göteborg - Convendum Avenyn

Office space from 3 500 SEK/person/month

Lounge access from 0 SEK/person/month

Convendum on Avenyn in Gothenburg is a large and modern office hotel with 6000 square meters of workspace on seven floors. There are also social areas, a large gym and a roof terrace overlooking Avenyn. Good communications and convenient parking garage.


Walborg Ventures

Walborg Ventures - logo

Otterhällegatan 2, Inom Vallgraven, Göteborg

Central location
Kreativ miljö

12 available offices right now

Paid placement
kontorshotell i Göteborg - Walborg Ventures

12 available Office right now

kontorshotell i Göteborg - Walborg Ventureskontorshotell i Göteborg - Walborg Ventures

Office space from 4 200 SEK/person/month

Lounge access from 2 000 SEK/person/month

Walborg Ventures is a creative and inspiring office hotel in central Gothenburg with the possibility of renting meeting rooms, podcast studio and storage space, as well as proximity to shopping centers and parks. Easy to reach by public transport and car.


Flexiwork Kollektivet

Flexiwork - logo

Folkungagatan 16, Stampen, Göteborg

60-70 tals stil
Kreativt hobbyrum

15 available offices right now

Paid placement
kontorshotell i Göteborg - Flexiwork Kollektivet

15 available Office right now

kontorshotell i Göteborg - Flexiwork Kollektivetkontorshotell i Göteborg - Flexiwork Kollektivet

Office space from 7 400 SEK/person/month

Lounge access from 3 890 SEK/person/month

At Flexiwork Kollektivet, work and creativity meet in a sustainable 60s and 70s-inspired environment. There are ergonomic office rooms, common areas, a creative hobby room and services such as breakfast, parking and bicycle garage - all in a collective context close to public transport.


Results 1-20 (of 43)

Quick facts about coworking spaces in Göteborg

Amount of serviced offices in Göteborg43
Amount of operators in Göteborg21
Amount of available offices in in Göteborg974
Number of square meters of office hotel in Göteborg81 877
Cheapest price1,500SEK/person/month
The highest price12,583SEK/person/month
Popular optionConvendum Stampgatan 14
Contract period from3 months

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